Equitable Practice Statements for CPS Caseworkers and Supervisors

1. I will not reject parenting styles and practices that present no imminent risk for or actual abuse, neglect, or exploitation to children because they are different or devalued by my culture or organization.
2. I will not allow personal or organization’s cultural values, beliefs, and views about lifestyle choices, traditions or behaviors of family members that present no imminent risk for or actual abuse, neglect, or exploitation to children influence my actions or inactions when working with children and families.
3. I will not allow my personal or organization’s cultural values, beliefs, and views about gender lead to actions or inactions that result in unequal opportunity for either mothers or fathers to exercise their parental rights when working with children and families.
4. I will not allow my personal or organization’s cultural values, beliefs, and views about poor people’s living conditions and situations that have no relevant imminent risk factors to safety and security of children present prejudice and bias in decision making regarding the best interest of children and families.
5. I will not allow my personal or organization’s acquired authority (through a judicial order) be used to alter children and families views or relationships swaying their favor to my personal or organization’s interests.
6. I will not allow my personal or organization’s acquired authority (through a judicial order) be used to penalize children and families for actions or inactions inconsistent with my personal or organization’s interests.
7. I will not allow my personal or organizations acquired authority (through a judicial order) to discount or disregard the rights of children and families to visit and remain in contact throughout the judicial process.
8. I will not use superficial personal or organizational authority to intimidate, threaten, or coerce children and families to make decisions that they have determined to not serve their best interest.
9. I will not use superficial personal or organizational power to manipulate the efforts of kinship to petition the court for custody of relative children regardless of values, beliefs, views, policies and practices.
10. I will not delay or deny timely delivery and quality services to children and families when they make informed decisions that are not consistent with my personal or the organizations’ views of what is best.
11. I will not allow my disappointment for the lack of progress, shortcomings, or failures of children and families to disrupt or change the standard of high quality professional service that I provide them.
12. I will disclose potential or actual conflict of interest immediately when working with children and families.
13. I will seek supervision when I am unable to provide high quality services because my personal values, beliefs, and views pose risks of prejudice and bias actions or inactions when servicing children or families.
14. I will seek supervision and request case transfer to avoid unethical conduct or case sabotage when I have engaged in steps necessary to terminate the rights of parents or guardians.
15. I will seek professional consultation on matters that are beyond my scope, skills, abilities and competencies to avoid taking actions intentionally or unintentionally based in prejudice, stigma, and bias.
16. I will remain mindful of my cultural values, beliefs, and views through self-examination and training.
17. I will provide equal opportunity to access services, resources, and accommodations to children and families regardless of my personal or the organization’s cultural values, beliefs, views or suspicions of guilt or innocence.
18. I will effectively build a cooperative relationship with children and families to preserve their dignity and respect.
19. I will report articulable facts and evidence to avoid actions or inaction influenced by sensationalism and irrational fear and based in prejudice, stigma, and biases.
20. I will report discrimination toward children and families of co-workers without fear of retaliation.